Thursday, May 6, 2010

Use of virtual manipulatives in Kindergarten

I used the smartboard to model the use of tesselations to make pictures with the available shapes.  These shapes are similar to the manipulatives used in the classroom, so the children were able to make an immediate connection. 

Once I modeled how to manipulate the shapes, change the size and color, the students took turns adding shapes to make a "class" picture.  The following day, the children used the site to make their own pictures at centers.  I chose to use the site over a three week period to observe how the children used the shapes.  Over the course of that time, the students learned how to rotate, manipulate, and adjust the shapes in a very advanced way.  I realized that if I had only left the site up for a week, the children would not have had the opportunity to advance their application of knowledge.

By Sheryl Magner

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Something new for "little" & "big" kids

Two ideas from James Hollis's Teachers Love SmartBoards  blog:
Spin and Spell - an interactive game site that has students spell basic vocabulary.  You can choose words to spell from the pictures or have the program choose one at random. 
Idiom starter: SmartBoard lesson with examples that guides students through practice and comprehending idioms, then creating original ones.  This lesson come from The Smart Insider newsletter.  You can sign up to get issue delivered via email. 

Monday, April 12, 2010


Take a look at the Cluster Map (lower right) - unexpected visitors/

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Birds on a Wire in Kindergarten

Ms. Magner's kindergarteners used the SmartBoard lesson, Birds on a Wire in an innovative way.  We've all used different ways to line up students to leave the classroom.  Ms. Magner used the numbers on the spinning birds as table numbers to line up her students.  She pressed even numbers and one odd.  Students noticed one bird's number didn't spin.  When she asked about the remaining tables (odd ones) students were able to deduce that the odd numbers were left so the odd birds didn't spin.  This was a great visual reminder and episodic learning for the kindergarteners. 

Dictated by Ms. Magner to Mrs. Meleski at our Smarties meeting.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Spot for Smarties

We're trying to find a new way to easily share ideas about using Smart Boards in our classrooms.  Here's hoping that it proves useful.
To add your idea, click on the "New Post" in the upper right corner of the window. When you're finished, be sure to click on the  "Publish Post" button under the text window. Don't forget to add a title!