It was an exciting day in rm. 252 because they were finally able to connect with Oldbury Wells school in the UK. It was pretty cool to see the classroom several time zones away so clearly. The only overlap time our two schools have is 9:30-10:00 so it's a great way to start the day. Today each class introduced themselves and had a get acquainted discussion...What's your favorite food, what kind of pets do you have and some random questions - "Do you have black and white movies?" (from our school ?!) and one of their girls, who was looking spiffy in a tidy uniform, loved the black and white checked shirt and mismatched socks that was Alyssa's ensemble today.
Some interesting responses - Our students pets were the usual, dog, cat and the occasional snake but in Bridgenorth, Shropshire, the pets were more along the lines of chickens and horses! The really cool part was that our students had been exploring Bridgnorth on Google Earth last week and noticed how rural the countryside became outside of the city. Making geography connections and learning relevant - an interesting concept.